Monday, February 7, 2011

Why people you like are so confusing

I have finally cracked the reason why guys
find girls so confusing and ithe other way
around as well and i can sum it up in 3
In my case im a guy so im coming from a
guys perspective but this apply ' s with girls
finding guys confusing as well . The
following are the main reasons 4 this
1. say they dont want to talk
A: they usually want control in an
relationship and is willing to go to extreme
heights with avoidance which in any cas
heightens the intrigue and attraction in any
kind of relationship .
2. say their not mad when its clear they are
A: People pull this bull to guilt trip the
other person into falling into that persons
trap and making them sorry even when
there not to the point where that person
gives into the other making the person who
fell into that trap a puppet or putty in the
other persons hand.
3. avoid people they like and dont like to
extreme heights
A: like i said b 4 avoidance heightens that
passion of intrigue that sends your mind
into a frenzy of attraction especially if
someone you like or likes you avoids you
therefore making it clear in your heart but
clouded in your mind to the point where
you only think about that person
P. S: i ust felt like it needed 2 be said and if
you dont understand it now think about
and youll comprehend or get this later .

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