Sunday, December 23, 2012

Apocalypse 11:11

I made this post because every time I look at a clock randomly it says 11:11 not because of the supposed apocalypse lol.

Its just every time I look at a clock it says 11:11 and I find it quite weird considering chain of events in my life and in general. For starters I recently met 2 or 3 random people who shared the same exact birthday and month as me and I've never encountered that before until I started seeing the clocks placement on 11:11. You may say what does my birthday or there birthdays have to do with a 11:11 well the birthday were talking about is 2/22 and hopefully you can see why I find that unique and Erie. Also lately I've been feeling strange and in my own little world at times and if you look at the meaning of the number 11 on the web you encounter a lot of supernatural and spiritual world type of things and lately everything seems like a web everything is just connected. I may just be reading too much into this and probably sure I am but the fact these weird events have been happening for more than a month and a half or two months seems like more than a coincidence even though I'm sure it is just a coincidence. I just felt the need to air it out for future purposes and just to see have any of you ever encountered weird or Erie coincidences like this or something random?

Feel free to leave or comments or an answer to this weird situation lol

Thursday, December 20, 2012

My Top 5 movies of 2012

Skyfall: to me it delivered all across the board with a great overall story, cast and it blended movie genres together so seamlessly yet still remained bond in its nature and genre. It also surpassed its predecessors. Therefore it is my number one movie on this list however it may be subject to change yet I highly highly doubt it.
The Dark Knight Rises: again like skyfall it had a pretty good story overall, cast and it stayed true to Nolans version of Batman. The only reason I cannot place it above skyfall is simply because it didn't surpass its predecessors like Skyfall and some even would argue it is the weakest in the series and it didn't live up to the hype. I however enjoyed it enough to have seen it more than 5 times. What really made this movie be placed in my top 5 was Tom Hardys  character Bane: he was a overly relatable villain and as crazy as it sounds I saw myself having a lot in common with him and at times even rooted for him. So the balance between good and neccesary evil is why the dark knight stood out amongst the crowd.
Moonrise Kingdom: You have to have an indie film that stands out and really has nothing going for it but the story itself like other films relying on prequels or sequels or action or something known to a person. The fact that this movie really was on its on against titans this year and still remained succesful and people actually enjoyed it not only movie arts people is exactly why its number 3 on my list and that's arguable considering the movies I'm going to list after were just as good and in some minds better and more enjoyable yet those films are more mainstream.
The Avengers: could've gone number 3 or even number 5 because it was the most CGI affected movie I've seen and it had an entire cast of a list stars. Plus the avengers is so well known if the justice league had a movie I would probably think the same but a little less considering dcs success rate vs marvels and considering marvel is owned by Disney now. So this movie couldn't help but be some what successful considering the success of thor, captain america' and of course iron man and underated actor Robert Downey Jr. Who pretty much made the movie stand out and land on my top 5 list I was tempted to put Sherlock Holmes: Game of shadows here but I forgot it came out last year.
Men in Black 3: even though the story was cheesy at moments at times I enjoyed it more than some of the movies on this list because it had more heart and it reminded me of past times in the movie and in my own life. It definitely deserved a spot on my top 5 list.

Honorable mentions:
Hunger Games
21 Jump Street
The Amazing Spiderman
Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter
That's my boy
I'm pretty sure I'm missing more

Movies I still need to see:
Jiro dreams of sushi
Breaking Dawn part 2
Abraham Lincoln (one with Daniel Day Lewis)
Bourne Legacy (maybe)
Totall Recall
And some anime movies
And that keira knightly movie

Change: New chapters

I entitled this particular post change because in the past year ive felt that I'm finally growing up however odd that may sound since im 21 but its true. Its not like I was immature before its just like I wanted to hold on to my childhood so much that in a way it held me back for the better or worse I'm not even sure yet. The only thing I know for sure is that letting go of the past and past names are for the better. Recently I thought about reaching out to people I went to school with and people i use to know just so I could see how there life's are going I ,mean some are scheduled to be married while the others have kids or there on the brink of getting there first steps to there dream job or jobs. Then I thought they could do the same and how many people would actually reach back? and would I reach back if I was in there position?  These questions are like doors not meant to be opened. Yet in a way I already know and knew what the outcome would be so maybe that's why I preferred not to reach out. But I did reach out to one person who I held to a higher standard I guess and that person first made me smile then disappointed me ever so deeply. Especially since she was a reason why my past was filled with a lot of good moments. Also because I felt like I still loved her but Now she's just part of the crowd and part of a past that I'm moving light speeds away from like a starship. Reminds me of situations in that movie Starship Troopers how you always miss what's in front of you and how you can never celebrate too early in certain situations. If you havent seen that movie i highly suggest you look at it because its entertaining and has  some relatable stuff. Also im starting to realize Life is like a movie and every movie you've seen is connected to the past one and the future and your life itself its honestly just up to you to recognize it before its too late. I'm just glad I still realized early but I could've realized earlier yet I was blinded by the past and past names and things but not anymore. New year new chapter and chapters.