Sunday, December 23, 2012

Apocalypse 11:11

I made this post because every time I look at a clock randomly it says 11:11 not because of the supposed apocalypse lol.

Its just every time I look at a clock it says 11:11 and I find it quite weird considering chain of events in my life and in general. For starters I recently met 2 or 3 random people who shared the same exact birthday and month as me and I've never encountered that before until I started seeing the clocks placement on 11:11. You may say what does my birthday or there birthdays have to do with a 11:11 well the birthday were talking about is 2/22 and hopefully you can see why I find that unique and Erie. Also lately I've been feeling strange and in my own little world at times and if you look at the meaning of the number 11 on the web you encounter a lot of supernatural and spiritual world type of things and lately everything seems like a web everything is just connected. I may just be reading too much into this and probably sure I am but the fact these weird events have been happening for more than a month and a half or two months seems like more than a coincidence even though I'm sure it is just a coincidence. I just felt the need to air it out for future purposes and just to see have any of you ever encountered weird or Erie coincidences like this or something random?

Feel free to leave or comments or an answer to this weird situation lol

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