Saturday, February 18, 2012


Your very essence is a beautiful poison to me,

In which I'd be more than happy to drink,

The taste of your saliva would surely turn me to stone,

The touch of your skin would make the bottom of the sea or anywhere beneath the earth my home,

Your Piercing brown eyes on on your 4'11 frame haunt me

With Curves of a temptress that cries with each flaunt in agony

As the blood races and curls through my veins my mind whispers

Sweet nothings that make my mouth water as my teeth shiver

My heart pounds like a mammoths stampede with emotions of pure lust

Its prehistoric to see how much I want to taste,lick and bite every ounce of your body in a rush

Am I a vampire for wanting to take a bite out of your loveliness

Am I a beast for wanting more than this darkness and loneliness

I think not but the way I use to view you was nothing more than a piece of meat

But now when I look at you I see only the words you began to speak

They echo in my ears with your accents melodies for you are a southern belle

Your passion for me however i predict is oderless and stale

Even though there's sweat upon your body when we encounter racing down like the water from a steamy car window

I know the steam from that car will never show me all that I want to see your climax is only a crescendo

Of happiness that doesn't exhist in my heart only images of hell

Displaying the many ways I'll never have you

So through these very words I will grab you

Make you listen as the moon and the ocean collide for me

For you truly are a beauty I want but ill never have so ill be glad for at least this one moment to be a beast

And hold you as i sink my teeth into you draining you of every last thought, image or quote you ever had of me with last seconds remaining Its the gravity,

Killing me slowly in your atmosphere........Who ever knew the depravity of liking someone could be so much of a tragedy dear


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